(0-3岁)国外早教机构推荐彩绘英文童书About birthdays.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:13
Once there was a tree…Andshe loveda little boy.And every day the boywould comeAndhe would gatherher leavesAnd make theminto crowns and play king of the forest.He would climb up her trunkAnd swing from her branchesAnd eat applesAnd they would playhide and go seekAnd whenhe was tired,he would sleepin her shade.And the boy loved the tree…..Very muchAnd the tree was happyBut time went by.And the boy grew older.And the tree was often alone.Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said,Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be happyI am too big to climb and playsaid the boy. I want to buy thing and have fun. I want some money.Can you give me some money?Im sorry said the tree,but I have no money.I have only leaves and apples.Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in city. Then you will have money and youll be happyAnd so the boy climb up thetree and gatheredher applesand carried them away.And the tree was happy.But the boy stayed awayfor a long time……and the tree was sad.And then one daythe boy came backand the tree shook with joyand she said, ,Come, Boy come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be happyI am too busy to climb trees,said the boy. I want a house to keep me warm, he said.I and want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house.Can you give me a house?I have no house said the tree.The forest is my house. said the tree but you may cut off my branches and build a house.Then you will be happyAnd so the boy cut off her branchesand carried them away to builda house.And the tree was happy.But the boy stayed awayfor a long time……and the tree was sad
上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:30
Veggie Tales - Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Coloring Book (2006).pdf
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vBeverlyCleary ILLUSTRATED BY Tracy Dockray viiContents 1. Beezus and Her Little Sister 1 2. Beezus and Her Imagination38 3. Ramona and Ribsy69 4. Ramona and the Apples 94 5. A Party at the Quimbys 117 6. Beezuss Birthday 148 About the AuthorOther Books by Beverly Cleary Credits Cover Copyright About the Publisher iv1 Beezus andHer Little Sister Beatrice Quimbys biggest problem was her little sister Ramona. Beatrice, or Beezus (as everyone called her, because that was what Ramona had called her when she first learned to talk), knew other nine-year- old girls who had little sisters who went to nursery school, but she did not know anyone with a little sister like Ramona. Beezus felt that the biggest trouble with 1 four-year-old Ramona was that she was just plain exasperating. If Ramona drank lemon-ade through a straw, she blew into the straw as hard as she could to see what would happen. If she played with her finger paints in the front yard, she wiped her hands on the neighbors cat.That was the exasperating sort of thing Ramona did. And then there was the way she behaved about her favorite book. It all began one afternoon after school when Beezus was sitting in her fathers big chair embroidering a laughing teakettle on a pot holder for one of her aunts for Christmas. She was trying to embroider this one neatly, because she planned to give it to Aunt Beatrice, who was Mothers younger sister and Beezuss most special aunt. With gray thread Beezus carefully out-lined the steam coming from the teakettles spout and thought about her pretty young 2aunt, who was always so gay and so under-standing. No wonder she was Mothers favorite sister. Beezus hoped to be exactly like Aunt Beatrice when she grew up. She wanted to be a fourth-grade teacher and drive a yellow convertible and live in an apartment house with an elevator and a buzzer that opened the front door. Because she was named after Aunt Beatrice, Beezus felt she might be l
上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:193
Zebras Yellow VanS140Was that Zebras yellow van by the tree?Was that Zebras yellow van by the sea?Was that Zebras yellow van by the zoo?Yes, it was. I saw it, too.
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高清彩绘英文原版绘本The Magic Schoolbus - Get Eaten.pdf
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上传时间:2024-01-28 页数:18
(下)真的要走吗?臣去意已决。变法失败,王安石此时的心境是()元气满满心灰意冷辞官归隐京口瓜洲一水间,钟山只隔数重山。春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?泊船瓜洲•半山园半山园骑上我心爱的小毛驴,想去哪就去哪呀!骑驴漫游结交朋友归隐山林的王安石心情如何?()烦恼忧虑恬淡安然官场上的冤家文学上的知音王安石和苏轼都有着怎样的品格?()光明磊落、高尚纯粹小肚鸡肠、斤斤计较小肚鸡肠诗人借梅花表达了怎样的精神追求?()A. 屈从权贵,随波逐流B. 不畏困境,坚持自我梅遥知不是雪为有暗香来经历回顾•梦笔生花笔写坏——坚持不懈,勤奋好学•扎根基层拒进京——《登飞来峰》胸怀大志,不畏困难•神宗重用搞变法——《元日》意气风发,志在革新变法受阻,褒贬不一•改革失败回故乡——《梅花》艰难环境中依然坚持操守你认为王安石是怎样的人?•年少有为,文采斐然•淡泊名利,朴素节俭•敢于变革,有胆有谋•志向远大,格局高远•坚持自我,品性高洁……•不修边幅,邋遢至极•固执己见,一意孤行•理想主义,不切实际•用人不当,独断专行……以下哪首歌的歌名符合王安石的形象?()《孤勇者》《无名之辈》寂寞千年久。更谁能,推心置腹,呼朋唤友。自古英才多奇志,不信蝇营狗苟。是与非,唯天知否。问道人心何所见,却原来,只是跟风走。真心话,难出口。——《王安石传》梁启超著我已无愧于心。是非功过就由后人评说吧。不畏浮云遮望眼,自缘身在最高层。本讲总结下一讲再见吧!
上传时间:2023-05-25 页数:23