1 2 ContentsTitle Page Copyright First Page3Hooray! Hooray! Were on our way! 4Our summer vacation starts today! 5And here we are. What a wonderful trip! 6Lets get in the water! Lets go for a dip! 7Small Bear! Small Bear! Dont you go too far. 8I want to see you wherever you are. 9Dont you worry. Dont you fear. 10Ill show him all the dangers here. 11Im watching, Dad! Im all set to go! 12Then here is the first rule you should know. Obey all warning signs! 13Look around. Are there any warning signs to be found? 14 There is one. And I think you should know15 it says in big letters, STRONG UNDERTOW!16 Ah, yes, Small Bear. Youre right! It does! Do you see how good my first rule was?17 Yes, Papa! Here! Catch hold of this line.18Ill be safe when I swim now. That lesson was fine. 19You will be safe when diving, too, after I give you rule number two. 20Look first. Then dive when all is clear. Now lets take a look. Is there anything near? 21 Yes, Dad, there is. I see a twig!22 Never mind that! Its not very big.23 You proved it, Dad. Even a twig can be bad.24Right, my son. That is very true. Its a pleasure to teach these rules to you. 25Dad, Ill remember the rules you gave. Now lets go surfing. Lets ride on a wave. 26 Now we go on to rule number three. Beware of all rocks when surfing at sea.27Look, Papa! Rocks! Right there ahead! We should beware of them as you said. 28Those rocks are much too far away. The surf will not reach those rocks today. 29 Then, on the other hand, we might end up on those rocks. You see? I was right!30I think I understand safety now. Thank you, Dad, for showing me how!But I have much more to tell you, my son. My safety rules31have only begun! 32When people vacation at the shore, 33they like to take walks. They like to explore. 34So watch your step is rule number four. There are many sharp shells along the shore. 35Heres a sharp one! Ill step with care. But may
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使用建议1.建议学习新课之前让学生独立完成,方便老师掌握学生已知情况,为学习新知作好准备。2.配合《5·3天天练》使用,预学、共学、延学一体,使学习更加高效。1 白鹭1……………………………2 落花生3…………………………3 桂花雨5…………………………4*珍珠鸟7…………………………5 搭石10…………………………6 将相和12………………………7 什么比猎豹的速度更快15……8 冀中的地道战17………………9 猎人海力布19…………………10 牛郎织女(一)21………………11*牛郎织女(二)23………………12 古诗三首26……………………13 少年中国说(节选)28…………14 圆明园的毁灭30………………15*小岛32…………………………16 太阳35…………………………17 松鼠37…………………………18 慈母情深39……………………19 父爱之舟41……………………20*精彩极了和糟糕透了43……21 古诗词三首45…………………22 四季之美47……………………23 鸟的天堂49……………………24*月迹51…………………………25 古人谈读书54…………………26 忆读书56………………………27*我的长生果59………………参考答案61…………………………仅限师生打印使用5·3天天练1进步看得见1 白鹭·掌握本课的生字和词语。·了解课文的主要内容。·积累自己喜欢的段落。·体会作者所抒发的情感。—读课文夯实基础音1.注意易错音。给下列加点字选择正确的读音,打√。适宜 (yì yí)嗜 好(shì shǐ)蓑 毛(suō āi)铿锵 (qiāng jiàng)形2.读一读下面的词语,把它们抄写在田字格里,并完成练习。嫌弃 嵌入 适宜 恩惠匣字的读音是 ,共 画,第2笔是 。3.看拼音写词语,注意书写工整。jīngqiǎo pèihé shēnduàn jìngxiábáihè qīngchén gūdú yōurán义4.用找近义词的方法理解下列词语的意思。恩惠———( )清澄———( )适宜———( )嗜好———( )再读课文整体感知5.根据课文内容填空。想一想,为什么白鹭是一首精巧的诗?再用自己的话说说课文的主要内容。我能用自己的话说说课文的主要内容:仅限师生打印使用小学语文 五年级 上册 RJ5·3天天练2进步看得见三读课文质疑问难6.我还有不懂的问题。(可以从写作手法、表达情感等角度提问)查找资料7.我查找的资料。(1)走近作者。郭沫若(1892—1978),原名郭开贞,中国现代作家、历史学家。郭沫若是四川乐山人,1914年赴日本留学。1921年,他的第一部诗集《女神》出版。本文选自《郭沫若全集·文学篇》,写于1942年10月31日。(2)借助具体事物抒发感情的方法。①联想。指在一个事物的基础上想到另外一个真实存在,具有相同特点的事物。例如《白鹭》中,精巧的诗能够给人赏心悦目的感觉,给人带来欣喜。白鹭色素的配合、身段的大小,就好比诗歌中语言的精巧、适宜。作者把对精巧的诗的喜爱之情迁移到了白鹭身上,作者把白鹭称为一首精巧的诗,表达了作者对白鹭外形的赞美。②拟人。把事物人格化,将本来不具有人的动作和感情的事物变成具有和人一样的动作和感情的样子。例如《白鹭》中,白鹭不再单单是觅食,而是有了生活情趣的钓鱼。③比喻。用某些有类似特点的事物来比拟想要说的某一事物。例如《白鹭》中,镜匣是盛梳妆用品的匣子,白鹭在清水田中钓鱼是一幅美丽的画面,而且是人工精心装饰过的画面。作者这样作比,让原本就很美的东西,显得更有意境,表达了作者对白鹭钓鱼画面的喜爱。(3)关于白鹭的诗词句。两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。(《绝句》杜甫)西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。(《渔歌子》张志和)漠漠水田飞白鹭,阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。(《积雨辋川庄作》王维)(4)推荐阅读。《苍鹭,苍鹭》(叶蔚林)日积月累8.我的收获。跟着老师来积累:(1)直接抒发作者对白鹭的情感的句子:(2)表现白鹭颜色美的排比句:我的积累:仅限师生打印使用5·3天天练3
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1 2Cover art copyright © 2002 by Berenstain Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 1962 by Stanley and Janice Berenstain. Copyright renewed 1990 by Stanley and Janice Berenstain. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright3Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House Childrens Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. Originally published by Random House, Inc., in 1962. www.randomhouse.com/kids www.berenstainbears.com This title was originally cataloged by the Library of Congress as follows: Berenstain, Stanley. The big honey hunt, by Stanley and Janice Berenstain. [New York] Beginner Books [1962] 63 p. illus. 24cm. (Beginner Books. B-28) I. Berenstain, Janice, joint author. II. Title. PZ8.3.B4493Bi 62-15115 eISBN: 978-0-375-98315-3 BEGINNER BOOKS, RANDOM HOUSE, and the Random House colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. THE CAT IN THE HAT logo ® and © Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. 1957, renewed 1986. All rights reserved. v3.14Title Page Copyright First Page 5We ate our honey. We ate a lot.6 Now we have no honey In our honey pot.7Go get some honey. Go get some more. Go get some honey From the honey store. 8We will go for honey. Come on, Small Bear! We will go for honey And I know where. 9 The store … She said to Get it there!10 Not at the store. Oh, no, Small Bear.11If a bear is smart, If a bear knows how, He goes on a honey hunt. Watch me now! 12How do you hunt it? How, Dad, how? 13If a bear knows how, If a bear is smart, He looks for a bee Right at the start. 14Bees hide their honey In trees that are hollow. So we will find A bee to follow. 15Is that a bee? He went, Buzz! Buzz! 16He looks like a bee. Why, yes! He does. 17We will follow that bee …We will follow that bee …18 We will follow that bee To his honey tree.19That tree! Is that a honey tree? 20 It looks like one So I know its one.
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1 2 Title Page Copyright3First Page4Mothers Day was coming, and Mama Bear knew that Papa and the cubs were going to surprise her with a special celebration. 5Last year they took her out for a special Mothers Day dinner. 6Mama was pretty sure that this year they were going to surprise her with a special Mothers Day breakfast in bed. 7And alas, she also knew that she would probably have to spend the rest of Mothers Day cleaning up the mess they made preparing her special breakfast in bed. But that was okay. Its the thought that counts. 8The signs of Papa and the cubs Mothers Day plan werent hard to read. There was a marker in the cookbook at the page for Mamas favorite breakfast: Honeyed French Toast with Blueberries. 9And one day when they were shopping at the Beartown Mart, she saw the cubs slip off in the direction of the card department. 10As Mothers Day drew closer, Mama knew that she had a lot to do if her familys Mothers Day surprise was going to be a success. 11First, she had to find the old bed tray they used when a family member was ill. She found it at the top of one of the kitchen cabinets where she kept jars and bottles that were too nice to throw away. 12It had some oatmeal on it from when Papa had been in bed with a cold. She scraped off the oatmeal and put the bed tray where she knew Papa and the cubs could find it. 13But there was more to do. She had to make sure they would have the ingredients to make her special Mothers Day surprise. She checked the recipe in the cookbook. 14Honeyed French Toast with Blueberries called for honey, bread, eggs, sweet cream, sweet butter, powdered sugar, and blueberries. 15It was Papa and the cubs favorite breakfast, too. But that was okay. Its the thought that counts. As for the mess they would make in the kitchen—well, that just came with being a mama. 16Mama checked the cupboard. There was honey, of course, and plenty of bread. 17There was powdered sugar, too. Bu
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