中国古代文史通识上古时期发洪水了怎么办《山海经》中的神话故事有重要的文化价值文化价值提供文学创作素材神魔志怪小说影视动画作品哪部作品没有受到《山海经》的影响呢?A 《西游记》B 《封神演义》C 《安徒生童话》猜一猜为救苍生,吾不敢贪图天伦之乐。他是谁?《山海经》之①号英雄——大禹我的身世可是一个传奇之谜,毕竟英雄的出场方式要区别于凡人~在《山海经》中,大禹是母亲十月怀胎出生的吗?A. 是B. 不是C. 我咋知道身世之谜篇鲧死以后,从他腹中诞生了禹。——《山海经·海内经》鲧是禹的什么人?应该没人知道我爹和我是同一工种叭~不过青出于蓝而胜于蓝,我干得可比他出色多了!子承父业篇大地上四处都是洪水,鲧没有经过天帝同意,偷了天帝的息壤来堵塞洪水。天帝派祝融把鲧杀死在羽山的郊野。鲧死以后,从他腹中诞生了禹,禹最终以土工抑制了洪水,并划定了九州。——《山海经·海内经》父(鲧)与子(禹)的治水之策有何不同?鲧偷了天帝的息壤来堵塞洪水。天帝于是命令禹治理洪水,禹最终以土工扼制了洪水,并划定了九州。——《山海经·海内经》鲧偷了天帝的息壤来堵塞洪水。天帝于是命令禹治理洪水,禹最终以土工扼制了洪水,并划定了九州。用土堵塞挖土疏通一疏一堵《山海经》之②号英雄——精卫我是一只小小小小鸟~美得很美得很!漂亮小鸟篇又北二百里,曰发鸠之山,其上多柘木。有鸟焉,其状如乌,文首,白喙,赤足,名曰:精卫,其鸣自詨。一起来画一画?译文:山中有一种鸟,形状似乌鸦,长着带有花纹的脑袋、白色的嘴、红色的足爪,名字叫精卫,它的叫声像是在喊自己的名字。我可是大有来头,是堂堂公主的化身哦!贪玩公主篇是炎帝之少女,名曰女娃。女娃游于东海,溺而不返,故为精卫。溺为何意?和现代文中的少女是一个意思吗?贪玩公主篇是炎帝之少女,名曰女娃。女娃游于东海,溺而不返,故为精卫。译文:精卫原是炎帝的小女儿,名叫女娃。有一次女娃去东海游玩,不慎溺入海里,再也没有返回。精神可嘉篇常衔西山之木石,以堙于东海。堙为何意?精神可嘉篇常衔西山之木石,以堙于东海。译文:常常衔来西山的树枝和石子,想把东海填平。精卫代表了一种什么样的精神?不是什么鸟都有俺这种精神的!想好了再回答~A 莫名其妙异想天开B 锲而不舍不懈斗争精卫这个故事给了我们什么启示呢?看到启示这俩字我就头疼,救命!你看到的不过是表象,不是谁都能懂我🎵🎵🎵第一步抓住萝卜叶精卫做了什么事?抓住萝卜叶精卫做了什么事?抓住萝卜叶填海第二步用力拽萝卜:精卫有何品质?萝卜冒头了!精卫有何品质?锲而不舍永不放弃这精神你有吗?没有还不快学!第三步萝卜连根拔:我要怎么做?连根拔出来!《精卫填海》启示我要怎么做呢?A 辍学去叼小石子填大海!B 面对困难锲而不舍,永不放弃。我要怎么做?我也要像精卫一样锲而不舍,坚持奋斗,不轻言放弃。这个故事给了你怎样的启示?请结合生活实际谈谈你的理解。本文讲述了从中我学到了今后的生活中我要故事内容品质/道理我怎么做这个故事给了你怎样的启示?请结合生活实际谈谈你的理解。本文讲述了精卫不断衔石填海的故事。从中我学到了精卫坚持不懈的精神。今后的生活中我要做个坚持不懈的人,面对困难不轻易退缩。故事内容品质/道理我怎么做拔出了精卫,趁热打铁再去拔大禹叭!练兵场相信大家都读过大禹为了治水,三过家门而不入的故事。这个故事给了你什么样的启示呢?拔出了精卫,趁热打铁再去拔大禹叭!练兵场相信大家都读过大禹为了治水,三过家门而不入的故事。这个故事给了你什么样的启示呢?故事内容本文讲述了品质/道理从中我学到了我怎么做今后的生活中我要拔出了精卫,趁热打铁再去拔大禹叭!练兵场相信大家都读过大禹为了治水,三过家门而不入的故事。这个故事给了你什么样的启示呢?故事内容本文讲述了大禹为治大水日夜操劳,三过家门而不入的故事品质/道理从中我学到了?我怎么做今后的生活中我要启示类的题目应该用什么方法回答呢??A 掰玉米法B 拔萝卜法课程总结1. 鲧与大禹治水的方法不同。鲧——用土堵塞大禹——挖土疏通2.《精卫填海》中的精卫代表了锲而不舍的斗争精神。3.启示类题目答题关键——拔萝卜法,不能只看浅层次的意思,要透过事件解读深层次含义。
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"Blast!" said Papa Bear as the Bearfamily's car went over a very big bump.The Bear family—Papa, Mama, Brother,and Sister—were on their way to townto do some shopping."These roads are in terrible shape,"said Papa angrily. "Why, these roads areenough to shake your teeth loose!"Then, just after they went over thebig bump, the car hit a deep pothole."Double blast!" Papa shouted. Andwhen he got out of the car to look fordamage, the edge of the road crumbledand he fell into a ditch.Now Papa was really angry."Outrageous!" he shouted as Mamaand the cubs helped him out of theditch. "Bear Country is falling apart!Why doesn't the government dosomething?""Why don't you do something, dear?"said Mama, who was getting a littletired of Papa's complaining."Like what?" asked Papa."Well, you could vote in the nextelection," said Mama, pointing to asign. The sign said election coming.BE SURE TO VOTE."Hmmm," said Papa."I'll do more than vote in the nextelection," said Papa. "I'll be in the nextelection. I'm going to run for presidentof the Town Council!""Oh, boy!" said the cubs."Oh, dear!" said Mama."And you," said Papa to Brother andSister, "will be my campaignmanagers!""Oh, boy! Wow!" shouted the cubs.But Mama had doubts. Therewere others in the race. What Mamawas worried about was Papa'sdisappointment if he should lose."Dear," she said, "I really think youshould think twice about this."But Papa wasn't listening. He wasalready dreaming about the glories ofbeing president of the Town Council.He promised the bears that if he waselected there would be honey in everyhoney pot, a scratching post on everycorner, and trout in every stream.When election day came, Papa wasstill shaking paws and making promises.It was a bright sunny day andeverybody came out to vote. Papa andMama voted early. So did the othercandidates for council president.Then they all went home to wait forthe votes to be counted.It was late evening when the wordcame. Papa had won! He had won theelection! Papa was president o
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1S2-342Narrator: It is almost bedtime. Peppa and George are just nishing their supper.Mummy: Daddy Pig!Daddy: Oh, sorry. I'm a bit tired. It's been a long day.Peppa: George and I aren't sleepy at all.Can we play in the garden?Mummy: But it's almost your bedtime!3Peppa: Can we play outside for just a tiny bit?Please, Mummy! Please, Daddy!Daddy: All right. But you must come in when we call you for your bath. I don't know where they get their energy from.4Narrator: Peppa and George are playing one last game outside before bedtime.Peppa: Look, George! Lots of muddy puddles!Narrator: Peppa and George are wearing their boots.They are going to jump up and down in muddy puddles.Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.George loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.5Peppa: Look! The biggest puddle in the world!Narrator: What a huge, big puddle!6Daddy: Peppa! George! Bathtime.Peppa: Daddy! Mummy! We found the biggest muddy puddle in the world.Mummy: I can see that. Quick, into the bath.Peppa: Oh, Can't we just play outside a bit longer?Daddy: No, it's bathtime.7Daddy: Are you and George feeling sleepy?Peppa: No, Daddy. We are not even a tiny bit sleepy.Daddy: Peppa and George might not be sleepy, but I am.Mummy: Me, too!8Narrator: Before bedtime, Peppa and George have their bath.Peppa likes splashing. George likes splashing.Peppa and George both like splashing.9Daddy: at's enough splashing.Mummy: Let's get you dry and into your pajamas.Peppa: Oh, can't we just stay in the bath a little bit longer.Daddy: Bathtime is over! Now it's time to clean your teeth.10Narrator: Before going to bed, Peppa and George brush their teeth.Mummy: OK, that's enough brushing. Into your beds!Peppa: Oh, I think our teeth need a bit more cleaning.Mummy: When you're in bed, Daddy Pig will read you a story.Peppa: Hooray.11Narrator: Peppa and George like stories.When Peppa goes to bed, she always has her Teddy tucked up with her.When George goes to bed, he always has Mr. Dinosaur tucked up
上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16
上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:48
语文园地七 一、交流平台 1.我有机会看清它的真面目,真是一株大树,枝干的数目不可计数。枝上又生根,有许多根直垂在地上,伸进泥土里。一部分树枝垂到水面,从远处看,就像一株大树卧在水面上。 (1)这一段是对榕树的________描写。 (2)这段描写让人感受到了榕树____________的样子,体会到了作者对榕树__________的赞美。 2.我们看时,那竹窗帘儿里果然有了月亮,款款地悄没声儿地溜进来,出现在窗前的穿衣镜上了:原来月亮是长了腿的,爬着那竹帘格儿,先是一个(),再是(),渐渐地爬得高了,穿衣镜上的圆便()了。 (1)按课文原文填空。 (2)月亮像个____________,顺着__________往上爬,竟然跑到____________里去了。作者把________________的过程写得既活泼又有趣。 (3)像这样有趣的句子,我也摘抄了一句。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 二、词句段运用 1.元旦快到了,五(2)班准备开展一次元旦联欢会,请你为元旦联欢会设计一句宣传语吧!2.我会仿写,把画面写得更具体。 例:夕阳西下,乌鸦归巢。 夕阳斜照西山时,动人的是点点归鸦急急匆匆地朝窠里飞去。 (1)啊,晚霞真美! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2)那黑狗蹲在那里。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 三、日积月累 渔歌子 [唐]张志和 西塞山前__________________, 桃花流水__________________。 ________箬笠,________蓑衣, __________________________。 1.把词补充完整,渔歌子是__________。 2.把描写渔夫捕鱼情景的句子画上。 3.全词呈现出______、________、________、________等色彩。 4.这首词前两句写景,时间是________季,地点是________。词的三、四、五句写人,生动地表现了渔夫________________的生活情趣。 语文园地 一、1.(1)静态 (2)枝繁叶茂、翠色欲滴 生命力 2.(1)白道儿 半圆 满盈 (2)淘气的孩子 竹帘格儿 穿衣镜 月亮慢慢升高 (3)略。 二、示例:1.狂欢元旦,喜迎新年! 2.(1)啊,晚霞闪耀着绚丽的光彩,赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫七种颜色,真美! (2)那黑狗不吼不叫,像一个很有身份的武士,威严、老练,一动不动地蹲在那里。 三、1.白鹭飞 鳜鱼肥 青 绿 斜风细雨不须归 词牌名 2.青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。 3.白 红 青 绿 4.春 西塞山前 悠闲、自在
上传时间:2023-05-28 页数:4