调皮的亨利英文绘本03 Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:20
What is this?book 44There is one tail.There are two eyes.There are three horns.There are four legs.There are lots of teeth.What is this?It is a triceratops.
上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:16
【小学生语文绘本课堂】6年级下-下-C-素材书 .pdf
上传时间:2023-05-24 页数:163
人教版小学一年级数学下册知识点预习第一单元 认识图形1、认识和会画2、七巧板是由1个正方形、1个平行四边形、5个三角形组成的。3、缺了几块砖的方法(1)根据砖的排列规律用画一画来解决。(2)不动手、不动笔,看着第一层就知道第三、五层缺了几块砖,看着第二层就知道第四、六层缺了几块砖。(3)先数一层有几块砖,每一层都是一样长的,算出每层缺了几块砖。 缺了( 8 )块4、沿虚线折一折,它变成正方体。其中①号面与( )号面相对。方法:中间隔一个①对③,②对⑥,④对⑤第二单元20以内的退位减法1、计算方法11-9=□方法一:破十法11-9=2先算:10-9=1,再算:1+1=2方法二:想加法算减法11-9=2因为:9+2=11,所以:11-9=2方法三:连减法11-9=211-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1=22、解决问题(1)选择有效信息,排除干扰信息。解决问题需要两个条件和一个问题。例:小明家有14只鸡和5只鸭。公鸡有6只,母鸡有几只?分析:两个条件是14只鸡和公鸡有6只。问题是母鸡有几只? 干扰信息:5只鸭。14-6=8(只)口答:母鸡有8只。(2)求一个数比另一个数多几或求一个数比另一个数少几?(减法)例1:小华有12个苹果,小芳有7个苹果,小华比小芳多几个?12-7=5(个)口答:小华比小芳多5个。例2:小华有12个苹果,小芳有7个苹果,小芳比小华少几个?12-7=5(个)口答:小芳比小华少5个。第三单元分类与整理(要求:会填和画表格,自己能给出分类标准,进行分类。)分类的标准一致,分类的结果就一致。分类的标准不同,分类的结果就不同。1、按大人和孩子分大 人孩 子人 数842、按男女分男女人 数663、说一说你知道了什么信息?4、你能提出什么数学问题?并解答。第四单元100以内数的认识1、45、46、47、( )、( )、( )、( )、( )10、20、30、( )、( )、( )、( )、( )三十五接着数5个数是( )、( )、( )、( )、( )2、10个一( ),10个十( );我是由8个一和3个十组成( ),我是由5个十和8个一组成( );我是79,我的前面是( ),后面是();我是85,比我少3是( )。3、五十二写作( ),三十七写作( );89读作( )68读作( ),读数和写数都是从高位起。从右边起,第一位是( ),第二位是( ),第三位( )。4、比较大小(1)先比较十位,十位大的数就大。例如:34○58(2)十位相同再比较个位,个位大的数就大。62○695、学会用多一些、少一些、多得多和少得多等语言来描述两个数之间的大小关系。例如:18比16多一些,16比18少一些;99比10多得多,10比99少得多。6、整十数加一位数及相应的减法几十加几就是加上几个一,结果就是几十几。例如:30+2=32方法:(1)数的组成 30和2组成32(2)加、减的关系30+2=32 2+30=3232-30=2 32-2=30(3)继续数或倒着数。30+2=32接着数的方法:31,3232-2=30倒着数的方法:31,30 7、最大的一位数是( ),最大的两位数( ),最小的两位数( )。第五单元认识人民币1、填一填1元=10角 1角=10分 1元=100分5角=( )分 6元=( )角 20分=( )角3元9角=( )角 1角2分=( )分13角=( )元( )角 26分=( )角( )分4元+8元=( )元5角+1元3角=( )元( )角4角+9角=( )角=( )元( )角2、比一比5角○5元3元○2元9角89角○8元9角5元6角○6元5角3角4分○3元4角3元6角8分○3元6角4分先比较元,再比较角,最后比较分3、换一换1张5元可以换( )张1元,1张10元可以换( )张1元;1张10元可以换( )张5元,1张10元可以换( )张2元;1张20元可以换( )张10元,1张50元可以换( )张10元;1张100元可以换( )张10元,1张100元可以换( )张50元;1张1元可以换( )张1角或换成( )张5角;1张5元可以换( )张1元和( )张2元;1张100元可以换( )张50元和( )张10元;4、(1)19元正好可以买哪两种玩具?(2)买洋娃娃和球需要多少钱?第六单元 100以内的加减法1、整十数加、减整十数2+3=5 表示:2个一加3个一等于5个一,就是5。20+30=50 表示:2个十加3个十等于5个十,就是50。70-30
上传时间:2023-05-23 页数:9
天才宝宝2016年1-12期02. Highlights Hello - February 2016.pdf
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小马宝莉绘本Princess Celestia and the Summer of Royal Waves.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-09 页数:59
1S1-082Narrator:George is playing with his ball in the garden. Peppa wants to play, too.Peppa:George, you're doing it all wrong! is is how to catch a ball. Not like this. at's What you do.3Narrator:What a cheeky little one, Peppa is.Peppa:George! Come back!You little piggy!Narrator:Maybe Peppa is teasing George just a bit too much.4Mummy: Peppa, have you been teasing George?Peppa: Not really, Mummy, I was teaching him how to catch. Mummy: Really? Oh, Well, I know a game that will teach George how to catch. It's called Piggy-in-the-Middle.5Mummy: Peppa, you take the ball and stand over there and George,you stand over there.Good! You have to throw the ball to each other and I have to try and catch it. I'm the piggy in the middle. Peppa: Mummy is the piggy in the middle.6Peppa: Catch, George!Mummy: Oh! Missed it!Narrator: George has caught the ball. Peppa: Hurray! Mummy: Well done, George.7Mummy: Now you throw the ball to Peppa. Oop! Try again.Oh! Try again.Narrator: George can't throw the ball past Mummy Pig. Peppa pig: Come on, George. Give the ball to me. Mummy: Oop!8Peppa: Silly George. I can do that, too.Narrator:Peppa wants to copy George but she's too big and has got stuck.9Mummy: I've got the ball. Peppa, now it's your turn to be piggy. George! Catch! Peppa:Hurray! Caught it! 10Peppa: George, you're the piggy! George! Catch.Mummy: Catch the ball, George. Peppa: Catch, George. Mummy: George, catch.11Peppa:Here's the ball George.Weeeeeeeeeee12George: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!Mummy: Oh, dear!Mummy: Peppa, you shouldn't tease George like that. Peppa: Sorry, George!13Daddy: What's all the noise?Peppa: Daddy, George is too little to play Piggy in the middle.Daddy: Oh, I'm sure he's big enough.14Peppa: No, he isn't, Daddy, Watch.Daddy: Catch it, George.Mommy&Daddy: Hurray!�Peppa: at's not fair! Daddy: Yes, it is.Daddy: I just gave George a h
上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16
BeverlyCleary ILLUSTRATED BY Tracy Dockray Contents 1. The Rich Uncle 1 2. Ramonas Problem 29 3. Being Good 47 4. Picky-picky 64 5. IT 81 6. A Surprise, Sort Of 100 7. The Chain of Command 119 8. The Families Get Together 132 9. Ramona Saves the Day 146 10. Another Big Event 167 About the Author Other Books by Beverly Cleary Credits Cover Copyright About the Publisher 1 The Rich Uncle Guess what? Ramona Quimby asked one Friday evening when her Aunt Beatrice dropped by to show off her new ski clothes and to stay for supper. Ramonas mother, father, and big sister Beezus, whose real name was Beatrice, paid no attention and went on eating. Picky-picky, the cat, meowed through the basement door, asking to share the meal. 1 Aunt Beatrice, who taught third grade, knew how to behave toward her third-grade niece. What? she asked, laying down her fork as if she expected to be astounded by Ramonas news. Ramona took a deep breath and an-nounced, Howie Kemps rich uncle is coming to visit. Except for Aunt Bea, her family was not as curious as Ramona had hoped. She plunged on anyway because she was happy for her friend. Howies grand-mother is really excited, and so are Howie and Willa Jean.And so, to be truthful, was Ramona, who disliked having to go to the Kemps house after school, where Howies grandmother looked after her grandchildren and Ramona while the two mothers were at work.A rich uncle, even someone elses rich uncle, should make those long after-school hours more interesting. I didnt know Howie had a rich uncle, said Mrs. Quimby. 2 Hes Howies fathers little brother, only now hes big, explained Ramona. Why, that must be Hobart Kemp, said Aunt Beatrice. He was in my class in high school. Oh, yes. I remember.That boy with the blond curly hair who played baseball. Mrs. Quimby motioned to her daughters to clear 3away the plates. All the girls said he was cute. Thats the one, said Aunt Bea.He used to chew licorice and spit on th
上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:199
Storyteller: Everyone's gone home. It's birthday story time, kids. Now, what did Caillou do on his birthday? Today's story is called "Caillou's Birthday Present". It was Caillou's birthday, and his Mommy was making his birthday cake. Mommy: I don't suppose you want to help me clean the bowl, do you? Caillou: Yes, please, Mommy. Mommy: I thought you might.Storyteller: Everyone's gone home. It's birthday story time, kids. Now, what did Caillou do on his birthday? Today's story is called "Caillou's Birthday Present". It was Caillou's birthday, and his Mommy was making his birthday cake. Mommy: I don't suppose you want to help me clean the bowl, do you? Caillou: Yes, please, Mommy. Mommy: I thought you might.Rosie: Birthday Cake! I want some. I want some. I want some.Daddy: Come on, Caillou. You really should let Rosie have a little of that frosting. Caillou: Daddy! Mommy: I thought you said Caillou should let Rosie have some frosting. Caillou & Mommy: Daddy!Rosie: Birthday Cake! I want some. I want some. I want some.Daddy: Come on, Caillou. You really should let Rosie have a little of that frosting. Caillou: Daddy! Mommy: I thought you said Caillou should let Rosie have some frosting. Caillou & Mommy: Daddy!Storyteller: Caillou had told everyone he wanted a special dinosaur as a birthday present. But Grandma's gift wasn't a dinosaur. It was a sweater. Grandma: Do you like it, Caillou? Mommy: Of course, he does.Mommy: Oh my. They're here already. Caillou: Yay! Leo, Clementine. Mommy: Come on in, you two.Storyteller: Caillou had told everyone he wanted a special dinosaur as a birthday present. But Grandma's gift wasn't a dinosaur. It was a sweater. Grandma: Do you like it, Caillou? Mommy: Of course, he does.Mommy: Oh my. They're here already. Caillou: Yay! Leo, Clementine. Mommy: Come on in, you two.Daddy: Now just hold still a little longer, Caillou. I've almost finished. Caillou: It feels funny, Daddy. Children: Ha, ha
上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:16
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上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:34
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上传时间:2024-01-28 页数:31