上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:34
名家精选英语绘本Little Golden Book 0303 - Baby's Mother Goose - PAT-A-CAKE (1948) (Freckled Derelict)(1).pdf
上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:15
上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:34
MathStart 低幼数学启蒙英文教材L1 09 A House for Birdie.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:32
小小人儿画中游1.我家的小院虽然不大,但一年四季风景各有特色。2.我们的校园非常美,东西南北各个地方都有值得欣赏的风景。3.春天是一个美丽的季节,春天的树很美,花很美,动物很美,人也很美。4.接着,我们来到了前方的断桥……在白堤边乘船游湖……由苏堤春晓上岸……下面的句子适合用哪种写作顺序呢?人动景变,适用于大景点,景色丰富。重在变化有过渡景点一景点二景点三景点四景点五确定景点形成路线离开……我们向前走,来到了……沿着小路一直走,我们来到了……往前走了不一会儿,眼前出现的这座建筑就是……常用句式杜绝然后病!沿着、随着……穿过、经过、跨过……映入眼帘的是……常用过渡词巧用历史典故、诗词、俗语、传说故事等你知道哪些关于杭州西湖的民间传说和历史故事呢?雷峰夕照苏堤春晓三潭映月你知道哪些关于杭州西湖的民间传说和历史故事呢?民间传说:《白蛇传》中有白素贞被法海镇于雷峰塔下的情节。历史事件:苏堤是宋代伟大的文学家苏轼在杭州主持修建的。历史事件:相传三潭映月的三座石塔最早是苏东坡在杭州疏浚西湖后所设。禁止在石塔界限内的湖里种植菱藕。你知道哪些关于杭州的诗词名句呢?欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。——苏轼 《饮湖上初晴后雨》毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。 ——杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》最爱湖东行不足,绿杨阴里白沙堤。 ——白居易《钱塘湖春行》请你化身西湖小导游,在向游客介绍西湖美景时,适时补充上有趣的背景资料吧!背景资料著名诗句:接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。民间传说:《白蛇传》历史典故:白堤和苏堤的由来雷峰塔妙用修辞融入修辞,生动具体:比喻、拟人、排比、夸张、引用……水乡小镇让我们赏心悦目,游乐场让我们兴奋不已,书店让我们流连忘返,住家附近的小树林是我们的快乐天堂……每个人都有自己喜欢的地方,你愿意和大家分享吗?推荐一个好地方给同学们吧!推荐一个好地方空白演示本讲总结一、移步换景•人动景变:脚步移动,景点不断变化•适用于大景点,景色丰富•找到重点景色详略介绍二、写作方法1.确定特色景点,形成路线(找准一个小景点,巧用过渡词句)2.查阅背景资料(历史文化、人文风俗、诗词典故等)3.细致描写,详略得当(调动五感,妙用修辞)下一讲再见吧!
上传时间:2023-05-25 页数:35
描写情况紧急千钧一发 刻不容缓 迫不及待 十万火急 火烧眉毛 燃眉之急 描写人物神态心旷神怡 心平气和 目不转睛 呆若木鸡 眉开眼笑 愁眉苦脸、愁眉紧锁 目瞪口呆 垂头丧气 嬉皮笑脸 描写英雄人物一身正气 临危不惧 光明磊落 堂堂正正 大智大勇 力挽狂澜、急中生智 仰不愧天 镇定自若 化险为夷 描写春天春光明媚 万紫千红 春雨如油 生机勃勃 春色满圆 春意盎然 鸟语花香、春暖花开 百花齐放 和风细雨 想 苦苦地想(苦思冥想)静静地想(静思默想)想得周全(深思熟虑)、想得混乱( 胡思乱想)想得厉害(浮想联翩)想得很多(左思右想)、想得荒唐(痴心妄想) 想得离奇(异想天开)想了又想(朝思暮想) 多 观众多(座无虚席)贵宾多(高朋满座)人很多(摩肩接踵) 人才多(人才济济) 兵马多(千军万马)事物多(林林总总)、色彩多(五彩缤纷)类别多(千差万别) 困难多(千辛万苦)、话儿多(滔滔不绝)读书多(博览群书)见识多(见多识广) 、变化多(千变万化)走得多(走南闯北)颜色多(五颜六色)、花样多(五花八门) 带有看的 见多识广 望而生畏 察言观色 一视同仁 一览无余 高瞻远瞩 坐井观天、举世瞩目 管中窥豹 左顾右盼 描写友情推心置腹 肝胆相照 情同手足 志同道合 风雨同舟 荣辱与共 、同甘共苦 关怀备注 心心相印 海誓山盟 拔刀相助 亲密无间 描写花万紫千红 春暖花开 鸟语花香 姹紫嫣红 花红柳绿 百花争艳 、锦上添花 火树银花 昨日黄花 春花秋月 过时黄花 花团锦簇 花枝招展 描写山崇山峻岭 山明水秀山穷水尽 大好山河 刀山火海 地动山摇 高山深涧、悬崖峭壁 峰峦雄伟 漫山遍野 江山如画 锦绣山河 描写颜色五彩缤纷 五颜六色 一碧千里 万紫千红 花红柳绿 翠色欲流 姹紫嫣红、五光十色 青红皂白 绿水青山 表示稀少不可多得 凤毛麟角 九牛一毛 绝无仅有 空前绝后 寥寥无几 寥若晨星、宁缺毋滥 前所未有 屈指可数 三三两两 铁树开花 微乎其微 一麟半爪、一丝一毫 百里挑一 沧海一粟 千古绝唱 描写热闹繁华摩肩接踵 车水马龙 川流不息 纷至沓来 花花世界 举袖为云 挥汗如雨、络绎不绝 门庭若市 万人空巷 水泄不通 人声鼎沸 人欢马叫 人山人海、震耳欲聋 座无虚席 描写人的容貌或体态的成语闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉 倾国倾城 国色天香 鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲 心慈面善 张牙舞爪 愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵 文质彬彬 威风凛凛 老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉 容光焕发 落落大方 骨瘦如柴 大腹便便 面黄肌瘦 其貌不扬 蓬头垢面 弱不禁风 描写人心理活动忐忑不安 心惊肉跳 心神不定 心猿意马 心慌意乱 七上八下 心急如焚 描写骄傲班门弄斧 孤芳自赏 居功自傲 目中无人 妄自尊大 忘乎所以 惟我独尊自高自大 自鸣得意 自我陶醉 自命不凡 目空一切 描写谦虚不骄不躁 功成不居 戒骄戒躁 洗耳恭听 虚怀若谷 慎言谨行 描写学习学无止境 学而不厌 真才实学 学而不倦 发奋图强 废寝忘食 争分夺秒、孜孜不倦 笨鸟先飞 闻鸡起舞 自强不息 只争朝夕 不甘示弱 全力以赴、力争上游 披荆斩棘 夏天的热赤日炎炎 烈日炎炎 骄阳似火 挥汗如雨 大汗淋漓 夏天的景色鸟语蝉鸣 万木葱茏 枝繁叶茂 莲叶满池 秋天秋高气爽 天高云淡 秋风送爽 秋菊怒放 秋菊傲骨 秋色迷人 秋色宜人 金桂飘香秋天的景色果实累累 北雁南飞 满山红叶 五谷丰登 芦花飘扬 冬天天寒地冻 北风呼啸 滴水成冰 寒冬腊月 瑞雪纷飞 冰天雪地 冬天的景色冰封雪盖 漫天飞雪 白雪皑皑 冰封大地 冰天雪地 早晨东方欲晓 旭日东升 万物初醒 空气清醒 雄鸡报晓 晨雾弥漫 晨光绚丽 中午烈日当头 丽日临空 艳阳高照 万里无云 碧空如洗 傍晚日落西山 夕阳西斜 残阳如血 炊烟四起 百鸟归林 华灯初上 夜幕低垂 日薄西山 夜晚夜深人静 月明星稀 夜色柔美 夜色迷人 深更半夜 漫漫长夜 城镇风光秀丽 人山人海 车水马龙 宁静和谐 村庄草木苍翠 竹篱瓦舍 山幽路辟 小桥流水 馆场 富丽堂皇 设施齐全 气势雄伟 金碧辉煌 街道宽阔平坦 崎岖不平 拥挤不堪 畅通无阻 草绿草如茵 一碧千里 杂草丛生 生机勃勃 绿油油 树 苍翠挺拔 郁郁葱葱 枯木逢春 秀丽多姿 青翠欲滴 林海雪原 耸入云天 鸽子、燕子象征和平 乳燕初飞 婉转悦耳 莺歌燕舞 翩然归来 鸡鸭鹅 神气活现 昂首挺胸 肥大丰满 自由自在 引吭高歌 车 川流不息 呼啸而过
上传时间:2023-05-23 页数:11
小兔麦克斯和露比Max and Ruby-Baby Max - Clean-Up Time!.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-09 页数:12
1S2-202Narrator: Today, Peppa and her family are driving out to the countryside.Peppa: Daddy, what will we see in the countryside?Daddy: We'll see birds and trees and owers and bees. .George: Dine-saw!Peppa: No, George, I don't think we'll see any dinosaurs.3Narrator: is is the start of the nature trail.Daddy: We're here!Peppa: Horray!Mummy: Daddy Pig, don't forget the picnic.Daddy: As if I would.Peppa: Daddy, how do we know which way to go?Daddy: Easy. The map says there should be a sign showing the start of the nature trailhere!Mummy: Well done, Daddy Pig.4Narrator: Oh dear, Daddy Pig has forgotten the picnic.5Daddy: Peppa, what interesting things can you see?Peppa: Just trees and trees and more boring trees.Mummy: Peppa, you're not looking hard enough.Peppa: Alright! I'll look really hard and I still won't see anythingOh, what's that?Narrator: Peppa has found some footprints.6Peppa: Whose footprints are these?George: Dine-Saw!Peppa: Oh, George, they're not dinosaur footprints.Mummy: Let's follow the footprints and see who made them.Peppa: Yes!Mummy: ShhhWe have to be very quiet, so we don't scare anything away.Peppa: Yes, Mummy. George, Shhh!George: Shhh!7Narrator: Peppa and George are following the footprints.Peppa: Look!Narrator: The footprints were made by a Little bird.Daddy: She's own into a tree.Peppa: Where?Daddy: Here, Peppa, look through the binoculars.8Narrator: The binoculars make everything look bigger.Peppa: I can see one! Two! Three baby birds. AhhhI wonder what they're eatingUrggghhhh! They're eating worms! at's disgusting!9Narrator: George has found more footprints.Peppa: Ooof! What Little footprints!Daddy: e footprint are being made by ants! ey're collecting leaves to eat.Peppa: Are they going to have salad for lunch?Daddy: Yes.10Mummy: Talking of lunch, let's have our picnic.Daddy: Oh, the picnicMummy: Daddy Pig! You've left the picnic in the car, haven't you?Daddy: Er, yes but it's not a problem, we'll just go back to
上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16
1S1-072Narrator: Mummy Pig is working on her computer. Daddy Pig is making soup for lunch.3Peppa: Daddy? Can we go and watch Mummy on her computer? Daddy: Yes, as long as you don't disturb her. She has a lot of important work to do today. Peppa: ank you, Daddy! 4Narrator: Mummy Pig has a lot of important work to do.Peppa: Mummy. Can George and I sit on your lap and watch you work? Mummy: Yes, if you both sit quietly.5Narrator: Peppa and George love to watch Mummy work on the computer.Peppa: Mummy? Can we play that computer game, "Happy Mrs. Chicken"? Mummy: We can play "Happy Mrs. Chicken" later. But now I have to work.6Peppa: Mummy? Can we help you work?Mummy: No, Peppa! You mustn't touch the computer. And George, you mustn't touch the computer, either. Peppa: Yes, George. You mustn't do this.7Mummy: Peppa, stop!Peppa: Sorry, Mummy. I was just showing George what not to do.Narrator: Oh, dear. The computer is not meant to do that. 8Mummy: Daddy Pig! Daddy Pig!!Daddy: What is it, Mummy Pig?Mummy: Daddy Pig, can you mend the computer?Daddy: Err9Mummy: I'll nish the lunch while you mend the computer.Daddy: Err right you are, Mummy Pig, but I'm not very good with these things Mummy: Oh, thank you, Daddy Pig!10Narrator: Daddy Pig is going to mend the computer!Daddy: Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Um. Maybe if I just switch i� o And then switch it on again11Narrator: Daddy Pig has mended the computer!Peppa: Hurray, Daddy! Daddy: Yes, I am a bit of an expert at these things.12Peppa: Daddy? Can we play that computer game, "Happy Mrs. Chicken"?Daddy: Maybe you should ask Mummy Pig.13Peppa: Mummy said that we could play it later.Daddy: Well, that's okay, then. But I don't know where the disc is.14Peppa: Yippeeee! Now, it's my turn!Daddy: Now, it's my turn!15Mummy: What on earth is going on? Well, I see that the computer is working again.16Mummy Pig at WorkS1-07感谢为孩子付出时间和精力、参与制作的父母们。如果阅读中发现文字错误,请回复到www.ebama.net我们会及时更正更新,谢谢!自制书仅供学习使用,严禁用于任何商业用途。
上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16
hello reader 故事城堡Rabbit's wish for snow文本Long ago,Rabbits were not as they are today.Rabbits had long bushy tails and long straight arms and long straightlegs.Winter had passed.The snows had gone.Rabbit was out playing.He saw youg shoots high up in a tree.He wanted to eat those youg shoots.But rabbits, een then, were not good tree climbers.Rabbit also wanted to play in the snow.But there was no snow.Then he remembered what Grandma has said.If you wish for nomething hard enough,it could happen. And so Rbbit danced and sang.Oh, I wish it would snow.I wish it would snow.I wish the snow would come down so I could play.Oh, How I wish it would snow.And it started to snow just a little bit.And Rabbit was so excited that he danced even harder and he sang shi song even stronger.Oh, how I wish it would snow.Oh, how I wish i would snow so I could play in the snow.Oh, I wish it would snow.And the snow started to fall as big as feathers.And the snow climbed high up the tree. And Rabbit was able to eat some of those youg shootes in the tree.Oh, Rabbit was so happy to eat the shoots frome the tree.Now he could rest.And he fell asleep.The next morning the sun came up.Rabbit looked around. All the now had melted.Rabbit wnated to go home,but now he was high in that tree.And as you know,rebbits are not good tree climbers.Holding on with his tail,Rabbit beaned over.He looked down to the ground and he wondered how he was going to get out of the tree.And as he leaned over, there was a big snap.Rabbit broke his tail,and fell out of that tree!When Rabbit crashed to the ground, he landed on his face and split his lip.And Rabbit broke his arms and legs.So now all Rabbit's grandchildren have short tails.And now all Rabbit's grandchildren have split lips.And now all Rabbit's grandchildren have bent arms and legs.And if you look at a willow tree,you may see a rabbit's tail.
上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:2