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  • 机灵狗第1级S07_chi_紅色的藍色的.pdf

    Red or BlueS107Red roses.Blue roses.Red rings.Blue rings.Red rugs.Blue rugs.Red!

    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:16



  • 机灵狗第1级S18_where we go.pdf

    Where do we go?S118We get gas.We get toys.We get tapes.We get gum.We get ties.We get grapes.Then we go home!

    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:16



  • 高清彩绘英文原版绘本Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear.pdf

    高清彩绘英文原版绘本Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:33



  • 高清彩绘英文原版绘本Ten Little Bunnies.pdf

    高清彩绘英文原版绘本Ten Little Bunnies.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:15



  • 高清彩绘英文原版绘本Richard.Scarry - Father.Cats.Busy.Day.pdf

    高清彩绘英文原版绘本Richard.Scarry - Father.Cats.Busy.Day.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:12



  • (0-3岁)国外早教机构推荐彩绘英文童书Counting Book.pdf

    (0-3岁)国外早教机构推荐彩绘英文童书Counting Book.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:11



  • 【小学知识拓展】读写有道:三言两语概事件.pdf

    三言两语概事件常见题型用简洁的语言概括选文的主要内容。这篇短文讲了一个什么故事?文章写了与我相关的哪几件事?请简要概括。A.请用一句话概括选文的主要内容。B.文章写了一件什么事?请简要概括。C.文中划线句用了什么修辞手法?下面题目中,哪一项不属于概括类题型?( )A.请用一句话概括选文的主要内容。C.文中划线句用了什么修辞手法?B.文章写了一件什么事?请简要概括。下面题目中,哪一项不属于概括类题型?( C )概括事情有秘籍美味食物来帮你谜语猜一猜糖是皮来果是馅, 一串一串红艳艳。冬天吃它不难买, 夏天和它难见面。这道美食是什么?( )这道美食是什么?( C )解题方法:糖葫芦法故事发生在什么时间?故事发生在什么地点?故事中的主要人物是谁?主要人物做了什么事?3 :�8�# 主要人物为什么做这件事?故事的结果是什么?叙事文章的六要素是( )时间 空间 逻辑顺叙 倒叙 插叙时间 地点 人物 起因 经过 结果白糖 山楂 草莓 葡萄 橙子 竹棍ABC时间 空间 逻辑顺叙 倒叙 插叙时间 地点 人物 起因 经过 结果白糖 山楂 草莓 葡萄 橙子 竹棍ABC叙事文章的六要素是(C)一找六要素怎么找时间地点人物起因经过结果什么时候在哪里找主要人物,谁去做一件事为什么做 (一般在开头)做了什么 (篇幅长)人/事怎么样 (一般在结尾)小妙招:先找时间、地点、主要人物、再找起因、经过、结果一找六要素一找六要素时间(什么时候)地点 (在哪里)人物 (谁)起因 (因为什么)经过 (做了什么)结果 (怎么样)一找六要素时间(什么时候)地点 (在哪里)人物 (谁)起因 (因为什么)经过 (做了什么)结果 (怎么样)夏日的一天一找六要素时间(什么时候)地点 (在哪里)人物 (谁)起因 (因为什么)经过 (做了什么)结果 (怎么样)夏日的一天瓜田一找六要素时间(什么时候)地点 (在哪里)人物 (谁)起因 (因为什么)经过 (做了什么)结果 (怎么样)夏日的一天瓜田猪八戒瓜农下面哪句话是这个故事的起因?()C.猪八戒学狗叫骗走瓜农,偷吃西瓜。A.猪八戒想引起师父的关注。B.猪八戒想吃西瓜。B.猪八戒想吃西瓜。C.猪八戒学狗叫骗走瓜农,偷吃西瓜。A.猪八戒想引起师父的关注。下面哪句话是这个故事的起因?( B )一找六要素时间(什么时候)地点 (在哪里)人物 (谁)起因 (因为什么)经过 (做了什么)结果 (怎么样)夏日的一天瓜田猪八戒瓜农猪八戒想吃西瓜一找六要素时间(什么时候)地点 (在哪里)人物 (谁)起因 (因为什么)经过 (做了什么)结果 (怎么样)夏日的一天瓜田猪八戒瓜农猪八戒想吃西瓜猪八戒学狗叫骗走瓜农,偷吃西瓜。一找六要素时间(什么时候)地点 (在哪里)人物 (谁)起因 (因为什么)经过 (做了什么)结果 (怎么样)夏日的一天瓜田猪八戒瓜农猪八戒想吃西瓜猪八戒学狗叫骗走瓜农,偷吃西瓜。猪八戒被瓜农发现揍了一顿。二串六要素二串六要素夏日的一天,瓜田,猪八戒,猪八戒想吃西瓜,猪八戒学狗叫骗走瓜农,偷吃西瓜,猪八戒被瓜农发现揍了一顿。时间(什么时候)地点 (在哪里)人物 (谁)起因 (因为什么)经过 (做了什么)结果 (怎么样)夏日的一天瓜田猪八戒瓜农猪八戒想吃西瓜猪八戒学狗叫骗走瓜农,偷吃西瓜。猪八戒被瓜农发现揍了一顿。三顺句子三顺句子 夏日的一天,猪八戒想吃西瓜,于是学狗叫骗走瓜农偷吃西瓜,结果被瓜农发现揍了一顿。调整要素、删重复词、加连接词选一选PK夏日的一天,瓜田,猪八戒,猪八戒想吃西瓜,猪八戒学狗叫骗走瓜农,偷吃西瓜,猪八戒被瓜农发现揍了一顿。 夏日的一天,猪八戒想吃西瓜,于是学狗叫骗走庄稼人偷吃西瓜,结果被瓜农发现揍了一顿。用糖葫芦法概括文章的步骤是( )A.找糖葫芦B.找-串-顺B.找-串-吃用糖葫芦法概括文章的步骤是( B )A.找糖葫芦B.找-串-顺B.找-串-吃一找,二串,三顺�w�?想一想:我想怎么吃瓜子? 小时候,我见爸爸、妈妈都在嗑瓜子。我很好奇瓜子是什么味道。可妈妈不允许我嗑,怕我被瓜子皮卡住,都是大人们嗑给我吃。我也想知道嗑瓜子是什么感觉。 有一次,就在妈妈做饭时,我偷偷拿了一颗瓜子,在床上仔细琢磨着该怎么吃,不知怎么地,我的脑海中浮现了一个奇妙的想法……童年趣事�w�?我的脑海中浮现了一个奇妙的想法:把它塞进鼻子里试一试!说干就干,我把瓜子拿上使劲往鼻孔里塞,鼻孔很小,过了很长时间,瓜子终于奇迹般地进去了,我顿时觉得鼻子很痛很痛,痛得我哇地一声哭了出来。童年趣事这件事情的起因是

    上传时间:2023-05-25 页数:46



  • 【小学知识拓展】世界风物博览:荒岛漂流,孤独冒险(上).pdf

    荒岛漂流,孤独冒险(上)全能冒险王流落荒岛人生选择题——一觉睡醒,你发现那艘带你来到这个倒霉岛屿的倒霉船搁浅在海滩上,你会……人生选择题——基本物资暂时有了,下一步要准备干啥呢?总结一、时代背景——大航海时代三、主要情节1.商品经济的发展荒岛求生2.《马可波罗游记》的发表四、鲁滨逊的形象3.航海技术的发展理性、机智聪明、镇定自若*代表人物: 思虑周全、学习能力强迪亚士、哥伦布、达·伽马、麦哲伦 五、分析人物形象二、作者信息·有的词从文中来(作者评价)笛福:英国现实主义作家 ·有的词文中没有 说了什么干了什么想了什么

    上传时间:2023-05-25 页数:23



  • 【小学生语文绘本课堂】六年级上练习书 B1(图片太大转换后模糊,请下载查看清晰版).pdf

    【小学生语文绘本课堂】六年级上练习书 B1.pdf

    上传时间:2023-05-24 页数:243



  • 【小学语文绘本课堂】B2-2年级上--六三版 .pdf

    【小学语文绘本课堂】B2-2年级上--六三版 .pdf

    上传时间:2023-05-24 页数:10



  • Star Wars - The Ewok Who Was Afraid (Random House) (1986) (stefcuk).pdf

    Star Wars - The Ewok Who Was Afraid (Random House) (1986) (stefcuk).pdf

    上传时间:2024-03-31 页数:25



  • 雪天The Snowy Day.pdf

    雪天The Snowy Day.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-09 页数:7



  • Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物How Many.pdf

    Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物How Many.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:6



  • Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物K_OLR_6.3 Camping Is Fun!.pdf

    Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物K_OLR_6.3 Camping Is Fun!.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:6



  • 粉红猪小妹第1季52本自制绘本S1-02_Mr_Dinosaur_is_Lost.pdf

    1S1-022Narrator: George’s favorite toy is Mr. Dinosaur.George: Dine-Saw. Narrator: George loves Mr. Dinosaur.George: Grrr.Narrator: Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur.George: Grrr.Peppa: Eeek. Too scary.3Narrator: At supper time, Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George.Mummy: I beg your pardon. Was that you George, or was it Mr. Dinosaur?George: Dine-Saw. 4Narrator: At bath time, George shares his bath with Mr. Dinosaur.George: Grrr.5Mummy: Goodnight, Peppa.Peppa: Goodnight, Mummy.Mummy: Goodnight, George. And goodnight, Mr. Dinosaur.Narrator: When George goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him.6Narrator: George's favorite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the airGeorge: Wheeeeeee.Narrator: and Catching him When he falls back down.7Daddy: HohohohoNarrator: Peppa and Daddy Pig are playing draughts.Peppa: I win, Daddy.Daddy: Oh, well done, Peppa.George: Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaa.Daddy: George?George: Whaaaaaaaaa.Mummy: George, what's the matter?8George: Dine-Saw. Daddy: George, have you lost Mr. Dinosaur?Narrator: George has lost Mr. Dinosaur.Mummy: Don't worry George. We'll find Mr. Dinosaur.9Daddy: It's a job for a detective.Peppa: Daddy, what is a detective?Daddy: A detective is a very important person who is good at nding things.Peppa: Me. Me. I'm good at nding things.Daddy: Alright. Peppa is the detective.10Peppa: George. I am the detective. I will help you nd Mr. Dinosaur.Mummy: Maybe the detective should ask George some simple questions.Peppa: George? Where's Mr. Dinosaur?George: Whaaaaaaaaaa.Narrator: George does not know where Mr. Dinosaur is.11Daddy: The detective could try and guess where Mr. Dinosaur might be.Peppa: I know. I know where he is.12Peppa: George always has Mr. Dinosaur with him in the bath. So Mr. Dinosaur is in the bath.Narrator: Mr. Dinosaur is not in the bath.Peppa: Oh. I know. I know where Mr. Dinosaur is.13Peppa: George always has Mr.Dinosaur in his bed at night. So that's where he is.Narrator: Mr. Dinosaur is not

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16



  • 粉红猪小妹第1季52本自制绘本S1-03_Best_Friend.pdf

    1S1-032Narrator: Peppa is waiting for her best friend, Suzy Sheep.Peppa: Hello, Suzy! Suzy: Baaaa! Hello, Peppa. Narrator: Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa. Peppa loves Suzy.Suzy loves Peppa. ey are best friends.3Mummy: Peppa, why don't you and Suzy go and play in your bedroom?Peppa: Yes, mummy!4Narrator: George wants to play, too. Peppa and Suzy love playing in Peppa's bedroom. So does George. Peppa: No, George. is game is just for big girls. Go and play with your own toys.5Narrator: Peppa and Suzy want to play on their own.Peppa: I’m a tiny little fairy princess! I’m going to wave my magic wand and turn you into a frog!6Narrator: George doesn't like playing on his own. George wants to play, too.Peppa: No, George! I’m playing with SuzyYou'll have to play somewhere else. Narrator: George wants to play with Peppa. He feels a bit lonely.7Mummy: George, l need some help! I’m making chocolate chip cookies! Someone needs to lick out the bowl. Narrator: George likes helping Mummy make cookies. But he likes playing with Peppa more.8Suzy: I want to be a nurse!Peppa: I want to be a doctor.Suzy:But who's gonna be the sick person? Peppa: GEORGE!!!9Narrator: Peppa and Suzy love playing doctors and nurses. So does George. Peppa listens to George's chest.10Peppa: Now, George, take a big breath in then cough. Mm, I think your heart's a bit loose I’ll put a plaster on it. Suzy: Baa! Open wide, please.11Narrator: Suzy takes George's temperature.Suzy: Oh, dear, you're very, very hot. I think you have to stay in bed for three years.12Narrator: Daddy Pig has come to find George.Daddy: Oh, no! What's wrong with George? Peppa: Don't worry, Daddy. It's only a game. George is our patient. Daddy: Oh, I see. Can the patient have a visitor? Peppa: Just for a little while. He might get tired.13Peppa: Cookies!!!Mummy: Yes, they're for George. ey're his medicine to make him feel better.14Daddy: Um, excuse me, doctor, Can you help me? I have a sore tummy. at tickles!P

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:16



  • 调皮的亨利英文绘本03 Horrid Henry's School Trip.pdf

    调皮的亨利英文绘本03 Horrid Henry's School Trip.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:24



  • 调皮的亨利英文绘本Horrid Henry and the Mummy's Curse (2000).pdf

    调皮的亨利英文绘本Horrid Henry and the Mummy's Curse (2000).pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:50



  • Beverly Cleary eBooks 29本Henry and Beezus.pdf

    BeverlyCleary ILLUSTRATED BY Tracy Dockray Contents 1. Ribsy and the Roast 1 2. Henry Gets Rich 34 3. The Untraining of Ribsy 74 4. Henry Parks His Dog 106 5. Beezus Makes a Bid 130 6. Henrys Bargain Bike 151 7. The Boy Who Ate Dog Food 174 About the AuthorOther Books by Beverly ClearyCreditsCoverCopyrightAbout the Publisher1 Ribsy and the Roast Henry Huggins stood by the front window of his square white house on Klickitat Street and wondered why Sunday afternoon seemed so much longer than any other part of the week. Mrs. Huggins was reading a magazine, and Mr. Huggins, puff-ing on his pipe, was reading the funnies in the Sunday Journal. Henrys dog, Ribsy, was asleep in the 1 middle of the living room rug. As Henry looked at him, he suddenly sat up, scratched hard behind his left ear with his left hind foot, and flopped down again without even bothering to open his eyes. Henry pressed his nose against the win-dowpane and looked out at Klickitat Street. The only person he saw was Scooter McCarthy, who was riding up and down the sidewalk on his bicycle. I sure wish I had a bike,Ž remarked Henry to his mother and father, as he watched Scooter. I wish you did, too,Ž agreed his mother, but with prices and taxes going up all the time, Im afraid we cant get you one this year.Ž Maybe things will be better next year,Ž said Mr. Huggins, dropping the funnies and picking up the sport section. Henry sighed. He wanted a bicycle now. He could see himself riding up and down Klickitat Street on a shiny red bike. He would wear his genuine Daniel Boone coonskin cap with the snap-on tail, only he wouldnt wear the tail fastened to the hat. He would tie it to the handle bars so that it would wave in the 3breeze as he whizzed along. Henry,Ž said Mrs. Huggins, interrupting his thoughts, please dont rub your nose against my clean window.Ž All right, Mom,Ž said Henry. I sure wish something would happen around here sometime.Ž Why dont you go over to Roberts h

    上传时间:2024-02-06 页数:209



  • 机灵狗ABC级家长手册.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:61









