What can You Make?book 39Take a sockand make a snake.Take a stickand make a rake.Take a panand make a cake.Yum!
上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:16
MamaHen, Come Quick!book 48Mama Hen, come quick.Your little chick is sick!Mama Cat, come quick.Your little kitten is sick!Mama Bear, come quick.Your little cub is sick!They are not sick. It was a trick!
上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:16
Chapter 1 The cafeteria at Lakewood Elementary was filled with kids eating lunch. Some of them had brought sandwiches from home. rest were eating school lunches. Today's choices featured a mystery meat covered in gravy. A few teachers wandered between the tables trying to keep the noise under control. Let's keep it down, said Mr. Ratburn. He shook his head. I don't think anyone's listening.'' Miss Sweetwater nodded. "Or maybe TheThey just can't hear us.'' She said.1At one of the middle tables, Arthur and Francine smiled. '' That didn't take his friends were finishing up. long,'' she said. Arthur was poking at his food with a Arthur flexed his hands " We justtake a fork. ''Even without the gravy, " he said little while to warm up. where ''we'd have no idea this came " All right, " said Sue Ellen. Let us know from.'' when you're nice and toasty. " Ready for action, boys? Francine " Maybe we'll need a substitution said asked .Buster. He turned to Binkv Barnes. " Do " Ready,'' said Arthur.He put aside his you want a turn?" tray. " No, said Binky, crushing another car- " And waiting, " said Buster. ton with his fist. He just liked making They started a game of milk hockey. pucks. Francine and Sue Ellen made up one team. "Attention please! " Arthur and Buster were the other. They Miss Tingley, the school secretary, was used a crushed milk carton as a puck, hit- speaking over the loudspeaker. ting it back and forth the length of the "Arthur Read, please report to Principal table. Haney's offi ce immediately.'' Francine dodged left and flipped the car- A hush fell over the room. Everyone ton past Arthur's hand. Buster tried to stop was staring at Arthur. Buster's mouth was it, but the puck slid past him off the table. wide open. Binky's hand had frozen in "Goal!" said Muffy. She was the official mid-crush. scorekeeper. ''Uh-oh!" said Francine. 23k1I'' I 'llsay," said Muffy. \ • Sue Ellen just shook her head. _ - 0 , t " You're in real trouble now, Arthur,'' --1
上传时间:2024-02-05 页数:31
好饿好饿的毛毛虫The Very Hungry Caterpillar.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-04 页数:26
66From Field to FloristContent and Thinking Skills•Understanding that peoplesupply products that other people want•Understanding that flowersare a natural resource•Following the sequence ofevents involved in bringing flowers from grower to consumerBackground InformationThis text shows relationshipsbetween producers and consumers of goods. Children will follow the process of growing, shipping, and marketing flowers to show the steps and the workers involved in getting a product to a consumer.Correlation to National StandardsSocial Studies•Production, Distribution,and ConsumptionSee Standards Chart on page 206.Use this book to help children understand how products travel from producers to consumers.High Frequency Wordsbuy, called, full, grow, someContent Wordsflowers, store, florist, fields,greenhouses, market, bunchesDecoding Skills •Consonant Blends:fl, gr, tr,ck, st (flowers, florist, grow, grown, greenhouses, truck, buckets, store)•Long Vowel Sounds: a(take, made)•Vowel Digraphs:ee (keep,greenhouses)•Consonant Digraphs:ch(bunches)Comprehension/Thinking Skills•Setting a purpose for reading•Drawing conclusions•Following the steps in aprocessWriting/Speaking and Listening•Writing words in contextsentences•Sharing prior knowledgeabout florists and flower shops•Explaining how flowers get to the market and then to consumersObserve/AssessSee Oral Reading Records in the Assessment Handbook.Level 14 Social Studies FocusFrom Field to Floristby Felix JamesLiteracy Focus Word Count: 142 wordsOverviewFrom Field to Florist67Literacy FocusSet the SceneDiscuss why people want to buy flowers. Ask:Where do you buy flowers?Where do the flowers in thestore come from?Record childrens ideas.Read and DiscussCover and Title PageDiscuss the title and whatchildren think the book will tbe about. Ask children what atflorist is. Then set a purpose fortreading, such as, I want to findtout how flowers get to a store. Pages 2–3Before children read the text,task who has been to a florist.Page
上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:4
小猪梅西历险记Mercy Watson 02 Mercy Watson Gose For A Ride.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:42
上传时间:2024-02-03 页数:38
(4-5岁)国外早教机构推荐彩绘英文童书Hedgehog for Breakfast.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:25
(4-5岁)国外早教机构推荐彩绘英文童书The Best Easter Eggs Ever.pdf
上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:24
上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:28
Name_________________________________ Date_________________Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days by Cynthia Rylant ©2005abcteach.comVocabulary Word Search Find the words. c h d r i p p y c e s i b g s a h i c y s c a r f m l y j i n w n d e c o r a t e g q b l d w v b e j v g c n l x r k v l u i f y o t s k q l q t d e e g t n a w u j e d e f m r r s o e k t n h t d w d l s a a t l d f s e c m i l l i o n s i d w g r b r y s p a r k l e c r e a t u r e s p o p p e d k s n o w b a l l e b j m g h s v n e i g h b o r h o o d j candlesticks drippy hideout millions smelled cracked extra icy popped snowball creatures fancy invited scarf sparkle decorate gold neighborhood silver winterName_________________________________ Date_________________Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days by Cynthia Rylant ©2005abcteach.comVocabulary Word UnscrambleUnscramble the words, using the textboxes to help you.winter fireplace creature candlesticks morning parents neighborhood laughed snowball kitchen blanket wondered window wonderful hideout 1.rneddewo_______________________________________2. niogrmn_______________________________________3. triewn_______________________________________4. ludgeha_______________________________________5. tnabkle_______________________________________6. peclafrei_______________________________________7. rpaents_______________________________________8. houtied_______________________________________9. nhtecki_______________________________________10. somtdrueen _______________________________________11. norhgodeohbi _______________________________________12. reuwlfndo_______________________________________13. onwdwi_______________________________________14. kdinssaclect _______________________________________15. cetrauer_______________________________________ Name_________________________________ Date_________________Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days by Cynthia Ry
上传时间:2024-01-28 页数:6
上传时间:2023-05-28 页数:21
空白演示单击输入您的封面副标题忧国忧民,胸怀天下A.欧阳修.B.王安石北宋第一人指的是谁?C.范仲淹把希文召回来,朕有大事交给他办!三冗问题严重冗官冗兵冗费希文呀,改革方案啥时候能写出来?老臣写好了,这是《答手诏条陈十事》,您过目!播放视频,了解庆历新政滕子京《求记书》不以物喜,不以己悲。居庙堂之高则忧其民;处江湖之远则忧其君。是进亦忧,退亦忧。然则何时而乐耶?其必曰先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐乎! ——《岳阳楼记》爱国素材——人物类文天祥陆游杜甫爱国素材——人物类两弹元勋邓稼先中国女排钟南山院士爱国行为科学家投身科研科技新国运动员奋力拼搏为国争光医护人员救死扶伤抗疫英雄爱国素材——文化类诗词绘画汉字爱国素材——景观类大好河山历史古迹爱国类文章引用式开头①说起爱国,我的脑海中瞬间涌现出了很多家喻户晓的爱国英雄。屈原的千古绝唱;岳飞的精忠报国;范仲淹的先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐……他们光辉的爱国形象,无不令我敬佩。爱国类文章 ②在一望无际的戈壁滩上,烈日当头,狂风怒吼,漫天的黄沙让人睁不开眼。谁能想到,就是在这样的环境中,邓稼先带领着科研人员和解放军战士们研发制造了中国的第一枚原子弹。这里没有可口的饭菜,馒头夹咸菜也能对付过去;这里没有甘甜的泉水,又苦又咸的水也能勉强解渴;这里没有精密的计算仪器,上百人就硬生生用算盘完成繁琐的计算。这里的人互相不知道名字,甚至不知道自己正在完成什么样的任务,他们只知道要严格保守国家的秘密,完成国家交给他们的任务。当巨大的蘑菇云在新疆罗布泊上空升起,全国都为之震撼,为之欢呼雀跃。如果没有邓稼先,没有这些为了祖国事业默默奉献的人,我们如今就不会拥有和平安定的生活。爱国类文章③2019年,一场突如其来的疫情席卷了中国,席卷了全球。就在这危急时刻,钟南山院士临危受命,面对如洪水猛兽一般的新冠疫情,他没有丝毫退缩,就像当年面对肆虐的非典一样,毫不犹豫地奔赴战场。一时间,数以万计的医护工作者和志愿者们也都自愿报名前往武汉进行抗疫。是什么让他们毅然决然地离开家人,不畏风险,奔赴战场,我想一定是一颗爱国的心。爱国类文章④作为祖国的年轻一代,我们一定不要忘了这些前辈们、先烈们为了我们如今幸福的生活所做出的努力和牺牲,我们更要用他们的精神鼓舞自己、激励自己,成为一名热爱祖国、立志报国的有志青年,用我们的行动为为祖国奋斗、拼搏!总结
上传时间:2023-05-25 页数:22
上传时间:2023-05-24 页数:1