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    英文绘本创意教学英文绘本创意教学Book 3.pdf

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  • 英文绘本创意教学willy the dreamer.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学willy the dreamer.pdf

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  • 英文绘本创意教学little_blue_and_little_yellow_PDF.pdf


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  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_Bad_Habit.pdf


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  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_Big_Road_Race.pdf


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  • 英文绘本创意教学英文绘本创意教学Book 2.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学英文绘本创意教学Book 2.pdf

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  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_Bear_Detectives.pdf

    1 Title Page Copyright2First PageWill they solve the case?3 Will he get his pumpkin back?4 Where can it be?5 Who can it be?6 Will they be much help?7 Will the Bear Detectives get their bear?8Help! My pumpkin won first prize at the fair. 9Now I cant find it anywhere! 10Do not worry, Farmer Ben. 11The BEAR DETECTIVES will find it again! 12Your prize pumpkin stolen? Never fear. Great Bear Detective Pop is here! 13I will find it. You will see.Just watch my old dog Snuff and me.14But, Papa, our Bear Detective Book will tell us how to catch the crook. 15Lesson One. First look around for any TRACKS that are on the ground. 16Dont waste your time with books and stuff!Were on the trail! Just follow Snuff!17 Well catch that crook. Well show you how.18Snuff and I will catch the …… cow?19Say! Look down there! Do you see what I see? 20 Theres a WHEELBARROW TRACK going by this tree!21 A good detective writes things down:22Checked out a cow, white and brown. 23The track ends here. What shall we do? 24Well look in the book.It says, Lesson Two. Look all around for another clue.25Humf! You can look around as much as you please. Im going to follow these carrots and peas … 26… and eggshells and corncobs and other stuff.This must be the way! Lets go, Snuff!27 Listen, Snuff! Hear that munching? That pumpkin thief is pumpkin lunching!28O.K., thief! Youve munched your last. Your pumpkin-stealing days are past. 29 Look here! Look here, Papa Bear. We found a new clue over there.30 You see we found a PUMPKIN LEAF …31 Aha! Youve found a pumpkin leaf. Just show me where you found this leaf. Then I will find that pumpkin thief.32The pumpkin thief! Ive found him, Snuff! 33Lets grab him quick. He sure looks tough. 34 Be careful, Pop. Lesson Three in the book says, Before you leap, be sure to look.35 Hang on, Snuff! Hold him tight! This pumpkin thief can really fight.36Did you

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:68



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_Green-Eyed_Monster.pdf

    a aThe Berenstain Bears and the Green-Eyed Monster Electronic book published by ipicturebooks.com 24 W. 25th St. New York, NY10010 aFor more ebooks, visit us at: http://www.ipicturebooks.com aAll rights reserved. aCopyright (c) 1995 by Stan and Jan Berenstain Originally published by Random House in 1995a a a No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by aany means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, aor by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. e-ISBN: 1-59019-223-0 Ebook conversion by wTree.comIt was a happy time in the big tree house down a sunny dirt road in Bear Country - a happy birthday time.It was Brother Bear's birthday, and he was getting some very fine presents. Brother wasn't exactly having a party, but Cousin Fred, Lizzy Bruin, and Babs Bruno were there. And Gramps and Gran, of course. "Wow!" said Brother when he opened his present from Gramps. It was an aluminum bat. a "Thanks, Gramps. I'll hit twenty home runs with this!"aGran's present was a great-looking warm-up jacket. Brother tried it on and looked in the mirror. a "Thank you, Gran. It's really neat," he said.aHis other presents were a afielder's glove from Cousin Fred, a sports video from Lizzy Bruin, and a mystery book from Babs Bruno. Sister's very thoughtful gift was a package of balsa wood, the aspecial wood brother used for making model airplanes."Thank you! Thank you! Thank you all!" he said."You're welcome and happy birthday!" said thegift givers.Sister's gift was thoughtful. But she was being thoughtful in another way, too. It isn't always easy when your brothergets a lot of presents and you don't. Sister understood that she had gotten presents when it was her birthday and would again. Besides, she wasn't that interested in aluminum bats, awarm-up jackets, fielder's gloves, sports videos, or balsa wood, anyway.But all t

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  • 英文绘本创意教学Rain.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:26



  • 英文绘本创意教学TodayIsMonday.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:12



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_Baby_Makes_Five.pdf

    a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a The Berenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five Electronic book published by ipicturebooks.com 24 W. 25th St. New York, NY10010 aFor more ebooks, visit us at: http://www.ipicturebooks.com aAll rights reserved. aCopyright (c) 2000 by Stan and Jan Berenstain Originally published by Random House in 2000 No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form aor by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,arecording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,awithout permission in writing from the publisher. e-ISBN: 1-59019-223-0 Ebook conversion by wTree.comBig news in Bear Country!The Bear family, who lives in the bigtree house down a sunny dirt road, has anew member; a baby girl named Honey.What fun! What excitement! What a nuisance! Sometimes it seemed that it wascrying,feeding,burping,aspitting up,and diapering around the clock. And when it wasn't those things, it wascuddling,dandling,fussingand kitchy-cooing.a And when it wasnt those things, it wasshopping, shopping and more shopping for things that were needed for the new baby.At least that's how it seemed to Sister Bear.a Brother Bear understood that babies need a lot ofattention. He'd been through it before when Sister wasborn. But having a new baby in the house was a newexperience for Sister, and she wasn't enjoying it very much.It didn't help that when Papa came home fromwork every day, the first thing he did waspick up the new baby, make goo-goo eyes,and say, "How'smy darlin'little dumpling?"aDumpling. Good name for her,thought Sister-a fat little doughballthat was hard to swallow. It didn't help at all when Aunt Min andUncle Louie visited and made a big fuss overthe new baby."Well, Sis," said Uncle Louie, "I guessyou're not the big star around here anymor

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:33



  • 英文绘本创意教学click.clack.moo.crows.that.type.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:17



  • 英文绘本创意教学YO-YES.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:34



  • 英文绘本创意教学joseph_had_a_little_overcoat.pdf

    ����E:��.:����I��ڥ��tl��tf����!��.��:��1i����k��i��|����H0-��L;ʮfحe Overc��uf fHºIc����ƨa������Wf����so��e����el��fro��E��y��i��ve'��n��h`Lf��o9enhe`Ber��sjlver"����J��"e��P��sc��ح@��d����o'Be��a'��æy(l) Ih4do(2��hod��\(3)hnd��(l+)hod tl(~��)h od rl(6)A�� ICC|f������o����e������ڥIf"����ck~e1Ij|��حe��esڥ -"����e��e` -ح"��حe bot����n,��he|e����dw��sh����+hfo19`��"d��vch1o��old +����ew/%hlVch fo00Id��0��ew/m����h fo��0��d+o5ew/M����h��ooحd fo��ew/ev~e' J��di��go`h��+h��9m����h����e��`ح��ح��حô(��)who��(2)W������(3)1��h��f-(Ҷ)W1����f��)Wh����һ(6)Wh����(ح) e��-e'c��vlJ1 do����iʮh iڥ I(z) e����e'covld I do wi��hiڥ(3)ev-er c����id��do wlth i1(q)e����er��uld I do��th��(5)e����er dld I do wifh߸r6)��vldI d��˶th n����h��9`do({)��nJ(2��nhd(3)Jt9td(��)����d(5)bvt(��)nnd67��9����La la l�� |�� ��rl حa 1��حaح�� ح�� Io`so Iʮh��l+W����o��mosʮhew/ Laح0 I0 Io I�� lkR ح��ʮhnʮ����st9��m0��{"eo����hn��w��sa|-,n������0,eW��h��|"��5����٤��������ew"eI��he'��{d o' ڢow��i"9��hls s����9��o yo��,IC��5)CC7C H(6)C{hof M����������sf��;,�� ����+h��son9TO��v��ha�� wo$��l��"o��f"ew Iʮh��ʮ ��/��6rl��mo��ح"ew 1��h���� ����s0��Ino����new, :hei-ʮherold o����e��-"ode"y����eحf��j��ck-eʮm����m����5elfo��es��Ih��Je��������fa We -��h��de my��self �� bv}��{o"��{ح 1h��dw����n��fh~ح"9��ong m֭��eحf��$o��g��nd I����������l�� حnI�� h(l)h��deЭy��eIf ��j��Ck-eʮ(a)M ��de hy����elF��X��es��-(3)htlde,nF��e|foʮie ��(4)��0tIe9myself o bvt-��o"(s)���� ��h��d"as ho{h����9(6)����n0my��e|f��s����9rt"d 1|tljvsl d��d~n��k����w,حhoughfwhnlc��vld Iڡ��yi0i��:��9o0��������

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:36



  • 英文绘本创意教学we are going on a bear hunt.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学we are going on a bear hunt.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:19



  • 英文绘本创意教学That is Not Santa.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学That is Not Santa.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:34



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_The_Bike_Lesson.pdf

    1 2Title Page Copyright3First Page Come here, Small Bear. Here is something you will like.4 Look, Ma, look! A brand-new bike.5Thanks, Dad! Thanks! For me, you say? I am going to ride it right away! 6Not yet, not yet, not yet, my son … 7First come the lessons, then the fun. 8How to get on is lesson one. 9Lesson one? Is that lesson one? 10Yes. That is what you should not do.So let that be a lesson to you.11Yes it was, Dad. Now I see. That was a very good lesson for me. 12Dad! Where are you going? You showed me how. Why dont you let me ride it now? 13Not yet. Not yet. Before you do Ill have to give you lesson two. 14Just watch, Small Bear. Just watch your Pop. 15Lesson two is how to stop. 16A very good lesson. Thank you, Pop.May I ride it now that you showed me how?17 May I? May I ride it now?18 Not yet. Not yet. You have more to learn.19 Ill have to show you how to turn.20Just watch me … 21This is lesson number three. 22 Wow! What a lesson! That number three! That may be a little too hard for me.23This is what you must never do. 24Now let this be a lesson to you. 25It surely was, Dad! Now I see. 26That was a very good lesson for me. 27When I get you down may I ride it then? May I? May I? Just say when. 28Wait, my son. You must learn some more. I have yet to teach you lesson four. 29When you come to a puddle what will you do? Will you go around or ride right through? 30Its not so good to ride right through. 31Youre right, Dad. I can clearly see why that lesson was good for me. 32When I get you out, may I ride it then? 33 34Please, Dad … Will you tell me when?Of course. You may ride it. You can. You will.35…After lesson five. How to go down hill. 36Wow! What a lesson! That looks hard, 37going down hill through a chicken yard. 38Dad, please tell me … will I 39ever get to ride it?Or will I just keep running beside it?40Will I? Will I? Wi

    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:66



  • 英文绘本创意教学It Looked Like Split Milk.pdf

    英文绘本创意教学It Looked Like Split Milk.pdf

    上传时间:2024-02-01 页数:13



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_In-Crowd.pdf


    上传时间:2024-02-02 页数:34



  • 72本贝贝熊早教英文绘本之Berenstain_Bears_and_the_Big_Election.pdf

    "Blast!" said Papa Bear as the Bearfamily's car went over a very big bump.The Bear family—Papa, Mama, Brother,and Sister—were on their way to townto do some shopping."These roads are in terrible shape,"said Papa angrily. "Why, these roads areenough to shake your teeth loose!"Then, just after they went over thebig bump, the car hit a deep pothole."Double blast!" Papa shouted. Andwhen he got out of the car to look fordamage, the edge of the road crumbledand he fell into a ditch.Now Papa was really angry."Outrageous!" he shouted as Mamaand the cubs helped him out of theditch. "Bear Country is falling apart!Why doesn't the government dosomething?""Why don't you do something, dear?"said Mama, who was getting a littletired of Papa's complaining."Like what?" asked Papa."Well, you could vote in the nextelection," said Mama, pointing to asign. The sign said election coming.BE SURE TO VOTE."Hmmm," said Papa."I'll do more than vote in the nextelection," said Papa. "I'll be in the nextelection. I'm going to run for presidentof the Town Council!""Oh, boy!" said the cubs."Oh, dear!" said Mama."And you," said Papa to Brother andSister, "will be my campaignmanagers!""Oh, boy! Wow!" shouted the cubs.But Mama had doubts. Therewere others in the race. What Mamawas worried about was Papa'sdisappointment if he should lose."Dear," she said, "I really think youshould think twice about this."But Papa wasn't listening. He wasalready dreaming about the glories ofbeing president of the Town Council.He promised the bears that if he waselected there would be honey in everyhoney pot, a scratching post on everycorner, and trout in every stream.When election day came, Papa wasstill shaking paws and making promises.It was a bright sunny day andeverybody came out to vote. Papa andMama voted early. So did the othercandidates for council president.Then they all went home to wait forthe votes to be counted.It was late evening when the wordcame. Papa had won! He had won theelection! Papa was president o

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